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Core Maths As equivalent

Teacher in charge of Subject

Mrs L Taylor
Head of Faculty


There is so much of our day to day lives that involves Maths at all different levels: From saving and borrowing money or getting the best value on our shopping to planning trips, holidays and timetables.  So many jobs and university courses either require Maths qualifications or give priority to people with the related skills. If you are not studying Maths at A level then the Core Maths course should be considered seriously as a supporting course for a wide variety of other academic courses.  Almost every advanced level course has a mathematical element which will be supported by the content of the Core Maths course.  The skills-for-life elements will also prove invaluable to you as you get older.

  1. Course Title

    Core Maths

  2. Exam Board and Specification No.

    AQA Level 3 Mathematical Studies 1350

What do I need to have studied/have knowledge of?

You need to have a grade 4 in GCSE Maths or better.  You also need to be interested in building on your existing Maths skills.

What will I learn on this course?

You will learn how to apply Maths to make sense of situations in your other academic courses.  You will also gain knowledge about Maths that is frequently used in day-to-day life. One aim is to increase students’ confidence in dealing with Maths wherever it is encountered.  It will benefit students who are studying for AS/A Levels or vocational qualifications; and others who have enjoyed success in Maths, but who have chosen non-mathematical options for their post-16 courses.
You will study units on Data-Analysis, Personal Finance and Estimation.  You will also learn how to understand numerical information and interpret graphs and tables.  There is help in learning to use a simple spreadsheet and thus calculate tables of values for yourself.
This one year course will result in an equivalent to an AS level qualification.

What key skills will I develop?

Using and applying Maths in a variety of contexts; Presenting information in a logical way; making use of simple technology tools such as excel in the solution of real-life problems.

How will I be assessed?

You will have two examinations at the end of the two year course- one on Personal finance and related skills and the other on Statistics.  Each exam is 90 minutes long and a calculator is expected to be used in both exams.

What could this course lead to?

Core Maths is aimed at students who want to continue studying Maths but do not want the algebraic rigour of A Level Maths.  This course is designed to fit along side courses containing a mathematical element such as Psychology, Geography, Business Studies, Criminology and Sport Science.  It allows you to learn real world Maths that will be useful no matter what career path you take.

Additional events, trips or enrichment activities

There are some events offered each year by The Organising body which will be made available to individuals or to attend as a group if appropriate.  There will also be opportunities to be involved in Maths Competitions and mentoring younger students in Maths.

Are there any additional costs for this course?


Who do I contact if I have any further questions?

Mrs L Taylor –

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