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Social & Global

Heads of Department/Faculty

Mrs Lottie O'Brien
Head of Global Learning


The aim of Social and Global Studies is to set students up for life.  Teenagers today face a great deal of stress and worry, from exams, bullying, fear of failure, peer pressure and trying to look good. Our aim is to provide the skills, knowledge, confidence and language to empower and enable students to think through their issues and know where to seek help.

We need to prepare students for the issues they face today, but also their future.  A healthy body and mind equals a successful future.  Research has shown that there is a direct link between emotional and physical health and academic performance (Bonell et al 2014, British Medical Journal).

The nature of our curriculum is ever changing in order to keep up with world affairs and to ensure learning is as relevant as possible.

Tops Tips to do well in Social and Global Studies

  1. Open your eyes and ears.

    Pay attention to what is going on in the world around you by looking at the news and talking about the current issues.

  2. Look after yourself.

    The skills and knowledge learnt in social science will set you up for your exams, and later life. By working hard in social science you’re setting yourself up for future success.

  3. Express yourself.

    Explain your views and opinions and be open to the thoughts of others. This way you will gain a wider perspective on key issues and improve your skills of persuasion and debate.

  4. PEEL through your work.

    PEEL stands for point, evidence, explain, link. When you’re answering questions about a topic make sure you begin with a clear point, back up your point with evidence and explain what your point means. Then link that paragraph to the next one you are writing.

  5. Be respectful.

    Empathy is a skill we learn throughout social science lessons, make sure that you listen carefully to others and try and place yourself in their shoes.

The Curriculum

Social and Global Studies is taught from year 7-11. In year 7, 10 and 11 you have two lessons per fortnight, in years 8 and 9 you have 1 lesson per fortnight.

Year 7

  • Community
  • Independent Learning
  • Charity
  • Face to Faith
  • Staying safe- esafety and road safety
  • Healthy lifestyles – addiction and smoking

Year 8

  • Loss
  • Democracy
  • Wealth and Poverty
  • Animal Rights

Year 9

  • Knife and gun crime
  • Capital Punishment
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Independent Learning
  • Mental Health

Year 10

  • Positive Relationships
  • Understanding the World- an exploration into how we gain knowledge from psychology, anthropology etc.
  • Understanding Ourselves- What makes a human? What is Britishness?
  • Crime and Justice
  • Rwandan Genocide
  • Healthy Lifestyles – sleep, alcohol and drugs.

Year 11

  • Future aspirations – CVs, interviews, budgeting etc.
  • Global Politics – The role of the UN, refugees etc.
  • Body Image and Eating disorders
  • First Aid
  • Independent Learning – revision techniques.

Independent learning

There are three main types of homework:

  • Tasks which prepare or consolidate learning in lessons
  • Home learning projects. Students will have mini-projects to research
  • Improvement/completing work

Enrichment and trip possibilities

  • Amnesty International student group
  • A range of speakers on different issues

Curriculum Maps