COVID-19 Safeguarding Statement
Although the school building is closed to students, safeguarding our vulnerable children and ensuring families are signposted to the support they need remains a priority.
Here is a list of useful contact numbers and websites for students and their families.
Please also refer to the Safeguarding Tab on our website –
- Swindon Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) – 01793 466903 select OPTION 2 Seek advice on any safeguarding concerns about your child
- Early Help Hub – 01793 466903 select OPTION 1 to speak to Early Help Hub for advice or Team around the Child advice **
- Social Workers – 01793 466903 select OPTION 3 to speak to an allocated social worker you have **
- The Family Service – 01793 465111 **
- U Turn – 01793 464662 Swindon service for support, help and guidance to young people (and their families) who have alcohol and/or drug-related problems.
- Tamhs – 01793 463177 **
- Camhs – 01865 903480 **
- Ontrak – 01793 464662 Swindon Counselling service for 14-19 yr olds
- Lift Psychology – 01793 836836 (No courses currently but 1:1 telephone appts. Service for 16 years only and above)
- NHS – 111
- Police – 101
**These services are available to call only if you are already working with them or have had a referral made
School Nursing Service
For young people 11-18 in secondary schools
Speak to a qualified nurse on 0300 247 0090, a confidential telephone drop-in service Monday to Friday 12-2pm.
CHAT health text service for advice or support for any health issues or worries. Text number 07480 635513
For parents of children of any age
Access to advice and support with one of our duty nurses Monday to Friday 9-5pm. Tel 0300 247 0090
- Advice and support on a range of issues for young people in Swindon
- Free online anonymous but safe support for Young people in Swindon.
- Information for young people and parents about mental health
- Support and advice for young people on a range of issues Tel: 0800 1111
- For anyone needing to talk to someone Tel: 116 123
If you have any concerns about your child during the period where students and staff are working from home, then please use staff school email addresses, which is their initial followed by surname
Your child’s tutor and house team, C6 team should remain your primary point of contact in the first instance unless it is a safeguarding issue, please see the list of email addresses below for pastoral and safeguarding teams.
This will, for obvious reasons be a limited range of support, but we will certainly endeavour to direct you to any other agencies who could help.
Please note this is for Safeguarding and Pastoral support and NOT for any advice, medical or otherwise about COVID 19 – please use the websites listed above and NHS for this.
There will also be a Safeguarding Phone Number you can call and leave a message on for any emergencies. Please ensure you clearly give your name, reason for call and a return number to call. The phone will be checked during school working hours only. Outside of these hours use the numbers listed above.
COMMONWEAL SAFEGUARDING NUMBERS – 07444 392094 or 07555 109766
These numbers are to be used for SAFEGUARDING QUERIES ONLY.
Please use the usual school email address or website if you have other questions about Edulink or work being set.
Louise Forrester | Assistant Head Designated Safeguarding Lead | |
James Woods | Assistant Head Pastoral & Deputy Safeguarding Lead | |
Kelly Cummings | Deputy safeguarding Lead | |
Ruth Becket ** | School counsellor Main school | |
Tracy Rosser ** | School counsellor C6 | |
Dani Brown ** | Behavioural/Wellbeing support TA | |
Becca Fidan | SENCO | |
James Matcham | Assistant Head – Head of C6 | |
Hazel McKay | Head of Year C6 | |
House team | ||
Martin Scandling | Head of Sarum | |
Gary Nash | Deputy Head of Sarum | |
Marika Ryan | Head of Whitehorse | |
Amie Burridge | Deputy Head of Whitehorse | |
Susie Whittington | Head of Stonehenge | |
Kerhys Lang | Deputy Head of Stonehenge | |
Maz Drew | Head of Ridgeway | |
Jordan Sheppard | Deputy Head of Ridgeway | |
** Please only use these staff if you are a student who is currently on their open case list (if not you should use your tutor or House team in the first instance)